Valli Rally 2015 Sponsors

Valli Rally 2015 Sponsors image

Each year Valli Opticians organise a 10-mile charity walk called Valli Rally.  This year, thanks to our sponsors Ravenhall Risk, Dunelm Optical, John Polley Brand Communications, Rodenstock, Riasca and Thea Spectrum, our family friendly walk is being held in memory of Kamal Aftab our optometrist and dear friend who passed away in August from acute myeloid leukaemia.  Kamal was a dedicated charity worker, and following his diagnosis he set about raising thousands for Bloodwise, the Leukaemia and Lymphoma Research charity. Kamal pledged to raise £50,000 for Bloodwise and he had reached an amazing £14,000 and covered ten miles before he died.

We want to help Kamal reach his goal, so with the support of his family and many friends we will host the walk on Saturday, September 19th, beginning at 9am. The walk takes in Valli’s four Huddersfield stores in Meltham, Honley,  Almondbury and Lockwood and finishes with a traditional Yorkshire tea party and music from Yorkshire Traction Honley Brass Band.

So far around 100 people – including 10 members of Kamal’s family have signed up for the walk but we hope for a lot more on the day.


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